Greener Pastures Equine Removal
The Dignified Aftercare Your Pet Deserves
Serving Ventura and Los Angeles Counties
805 444-6234
Haulers License # A-123
Specializing In difficult extractions
At Greener Pastures I offer dignified, discrete, respectful transport of large animals that have passed using a custom built enclosed hydraulic tilt trailer for ease of loading and unloading.
We also have a custom lifting transport cart for tight or in-stall removals
With a Long history in animal care and rigging I can get your animal out with the utmost respect and care for animal and owner.

We transport to:
Burial. This is the most popular and least expensive option.
Cremation. We transport to a facility in Sun Valley
Necropsy. When cause of death needs to be determined
Other. Your own Burial site or wherever you decide.

Areas we service
We cover Ventura County, Los Angeles County and Santa Barbara. We are based out of Simi Valley
For all your deadstock or deadhaul needs
24-7 service

Respectful transport
The trailer is a beautiful custom built enclosed trailer, designed with the most dignified pick-up and delivery possible. Not just a dump truck or trash trailer
We offer an Obituary placed in the Greener Pastures section of the California Horse Trader Magazine.
Call for details

Our Services
Passion for Animals
Friendly personal service
At Greener Pastures we are a fast friendly owner operator dead stock removal transport service for Horses, Cattle, Llamas, Alpaca, Basically anything that will fit in the trailer, all at a very competitive price.
Call Larry 24-7 805 444-6234